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Casino Craps vs. Online Craps

With the advancement of technology come many possibilities that seemed impossible in the past. 'How on earth could you possibly simulate a craps table?' would've been a question asked should you have made such a suggestion in the early eighties. Well, the smart brains of our society have come up with a way. Although online craps is based on the same set of rules that casino craps is, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the two are different when it comes to the look and feel of the game.

The environment in which the individual finds him or herself consists of several variables, which contribute to the experience of playing a game of craps. Each one plays a significant role as to whether or not the player enjoyed the game and if they will play it again. While some people prefer table craps because of it's volatile nature, others stick to the online version because that's exactly what it lacks. Let's go over all the sections that create the playing environment:


This is pretty straightforward: in one instance you're interacting with humans, whereas in the other, it's a computer. As you already know, there is a lot of person-to-person interaction going on at a craps table; there are shouts of joy and cries of distress; there's players high-fiving at the sight of success and patting each other's backs for comfort. Many bets are yelled out to dealers instead of placed quietly by the player. It's almost like a little party in itself. That is one attribute of casino craps that draws people near, promising everyone a good time if the table turns hot.

Online craps, on the other hand, offers something different. Needless to say, any kind of interaction present is between you and the computer; however, technology has allowed for the computers to mimic much of what happens in the real world making it possible for the computer dealer to imitate a real one, such as reading out the dice for instance. Some online craps games also feature a chat program to make up for the lack of human interaction, and let players converse while playing their own game. But, what might be a lack to one person might be a great feature to another. Some people prefer online craps to the table version, especially because of the quieter environment and the ability to think over every move they make.


Visual Effects

The only thing depicted in an online craps game is the table on which you place your bets. There is a lot more going on at an actual craps table than the online version might reveal, mainly determined by the group of people at the table. In most cases, the craps table shown online is made to realistically recreate the real thing; the movement of the chips and the way some games depict the dealer all make the environment rather appealing to the player.

Sound Effects

The sound effects do not really apply to casino craps; they're nothing compared to all the other commotion that is going on around the table. When playing online, however, sound effects become a critical part of the overall experience. Added sounds of the dice hitting the table, the chips moving around, and the dealers comments can make it seem like you're actually at the casino, and fortunately with online craps, you can switch all the sounds off if you like. Sometimes, the game incorporates crowds cheering and applause, creating the feeling that you are surrounded by players and supporters.


The necessary bankroll is dependent on a few things. One primary thing is the amount of money you place on each bet, or simply put, your average bet. If your betting style is to put down large sums of money each time, your bankroll must be a fair size to allow you to play for a reasonable period of time. On the other hand, if you play $5 tables, then $100 can last you a long time.

Of course, needless to say, if you're playing a free game online, a bankroll is not necessary since the points are given to you at no charge. Finding a free game that lets you keep track of your 'free points' can be extremely valuable though, as it lets you practice your bankroll management without risking real cash. This is one great advantage that the net has over the casino. If you like playing for free, chances are you cant win any real cash, but you can find some that offer winnings in terms of casino accounts with credits. Either way, it's a great way to practice the game before diving head-first into the gambling world.


The payouts depend on where and what you play. Casino craps offers slightly different payouts from one table to another as do the online versions, and that should be one of your main focal points when choosing to play a game. The differences are sometimes so small, they go by unnoticed, but they do have a large impact over a long period of time as well as on large bets. Most of the payouts are listed on the table and those that aren't will most certainly be listed on a chart nearby. Make sure you read everything carefully, including the fine print (if any) to ensure you understand the gaming rules. The maximum and minimum bets are also listed on the chart, for a complete summary.

Only one type of bet might not always be listed on the chart, and that is the free odds bet, which pays at true odds of the number rolled. So, let's say you bet $5 on the pass line bet and the come out roll is a four. The odds of rolling a four are 2 to 1. Now, if you take free odds, and the number is rolled before a seven is, you get paid even on the pass line bet and 2 to 1 on the odds (three ways to make a three compared to six ways to make a seven - true odds).

The combination and variation of all the above variables creates a playing environment. There is enough variety out there to satisfy anyone's expectations and gambling desire. One thing to keep in mind is that an online experience largely depends on the type of game you're looking for. The more you love craps, the more you'll love online craps!

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